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MY 5 DAYS IN ICU – Hunar Bhatia

The day, 15th February, 2020, I was in ICU, being charged with few medications and medical drips. Seeing their daughter lying on an ICU bed was indeed a spine-chilling stroke for my parents but to

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True meaning of freedom
  • My Idea of Freedom-Devak Bakshi September 14, 2020
    When we talk about freedom the first thing or thought that comes to my mind is fundamental rights which have been given to us by the constitution of India. These rights need to be understood and implemented properly.. In today’s time, people are not safe anywhere; children can’t walk alone or roam about fearlessly on the roads ...
  • मेरे विचार में आज़ादी-रीना नलवाया August 24, 2020
    आज़ादी एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसे सुनकर ऐसा लगता है मानो, मन पक्षी बन कर आसमान में उड़ रहा हो और कोई भी उसे रोक ना पाए लेकिन यह तो काल्पनिक आज़ादी है, ना तो हमारे पंख है और ना ही हम उड़ सकते हैं। समय और उम्र के साथ-साथ आज़ादी के मायने भी बदल ...
  • My Idea of Freedom-Neha Rajpal August 24, 2020
    15th August 1947: the day our country got independence from British rule. The day our freedom fighters freed their motherland from the chains of injustice, loot, and oppression. Thousands of our ancestors laid their lives to win the privilege of freedom that we enjoy today. But have we made their sacrifices worth for? Have we helped ...
  • My idea of freedom-Shreya Kothari August 24, 2020
    Many people have a misconception regarding the word “freedom”. Just adding some fundamental rights to freedom in the constitution won’t be enough. Freedom is a much bigger concept. We have just limited it to some speech and education rights. Freedom cannot be put into some mere words. It has to be experienced by everyone throughout ...
  • My idea of freedom-Madhulika Kothari August 24, 2020
    ‘Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high’ – Rabindranath Tagore This is freedom perhaps – where you live with dignity and you harbor no doubts: you are fearless. Freedom gives you expression, freedom gives you wings, freedom gives you courage, freedom gives you compassion, and freedom fills your heart with admiration. ...